Our phylosophy
Every failure is a step to success ….. dont be descouraged by failure come on and lets start together, Ignite your Leadership potential with Bujari High Impact Leadership Institute.
The Context
Towards 4th industrial revolution, there is rapid and continuous change that individuals, families, society, institutions, and governments are looking for leaders who can create a better future. As things stand communities are losing hope in their leaders where some trusted political, sectoral leaders became mediocre making wrong investment decisions that has caused loss of lives and livelihood, solving symptoms instead of root causes. Leaders not able to make decisive decisions on time, leading to underspending in major project whose impact last for years. So we are who we are because of what we did yesterday. To change tomorrow, we must change today. It is not the end, we can still do better tomorrow if we invest in High Impact Leadership purpose and values and so at Bujari High Impact Leadership we say Every failure is a step to success!
Call To Action
Please explore the site and sign up, or If you have any questions, suggestions reach out to BHILI team
Call To ActionWebinars
What is My purpose ?
This question was answered by Bujairi during the courses I attended Now I know my purpose and Iam working on it to fulfill my dreams.
Posted On: 20 Feb, 2024
To become a leader change your self
Thanks to BHILI for making me a leader, by making me able to change on my self
Posted On: 20 Feb, 2024
Course Pricing
Result Based Planning and Management
TZS0 / Course
- Course Code: BC424
- This module is designed to impart knowledge and help participants gain a range of result-based leadership, managerial knowledge, skills, and technical expertise in decision-making, strategic planning, Result planning, and management. The emphasis of the module is more on developing practical and technical skills, which will help the participants to address and make decisions comprehensively on complex and multi-faceted aspects of the different world systems. The world cares what result you produce not what activities you do
Value addition
TZS0 / Course
- Course Code: BC724
- Value addition course are designed to raise learners’ standards above and beyond the levels specified in the academic curriculum. They are designed to improve learners’ employability. The course will concentrate on leveraging the talent and innovative capabilities of professionals to meet the needs of today’s dynamic business environment, thus making the learners more industrial and market ready. The course will enable learners to gain holistic perspective and thus a better understanding of current industry challenges, as well as to gain and develop innovative and creative skills through a diverse range of course offerings.
Critical and Strategic thinking
TZS0 / Course
- Course Code: BC924
- This course will help learners to experience real-world critical thinking techniques. It will uncover that a large part of the human ability to think is not being used and so it will help them to identify challenges around them and think of possibilities to solve them. They practice problem-solving of challenges at hand, think trajectorially about future challenges, and begin to think about mitigation measures. So by the end of this course, graduates will be pioneers who can control and manage their environment.